
Explore our interactive maps!  Look here for examples of how to use the maps. Definitions are below.

Base Layer/Overlay – Industrial Zones: Standardized industrial zones across the 101 cities and 8 unincorporated counties of the San Francisco Bay Area.

For more information see Industrial Land Supply and Demand report.

Base Layer – Conflict Regions: Industrially zoned parcels (light, medium, or heavy industrial, or transportation and utilities) that have been redesignated as non-industrial in the local general plan.

For more information see The Conversion of Industrially Zoned Land report.

Base Layer/Overlay – Priority Development Areas: Places identified by Bay Area communities as areas for investment, new homes and job growth.

For more information see The Conversion of Industrially Zoned Land report.

Base Layer – Potential Displaced Jobs: Number of jobs (2011) located in industrially zoned areas that are also conflict regions or priority development areas, and thus are susceptible to conversion to other uses.

For more information see The Conversion of Industrially Zoned Land report.

Base Layer – Sea Level Rise: Areas likely to be underwater with a six-foot sea level rise (the high-level projection for 2100).

Base Layer – Employment 2011: Number of jobs located in block groups in or adjacent to industrially zoned areas in 2011 (Source: National Employment Time Series data).

For more information see Industrial Land Supply and Demand report.

Base Layer – Employment 2040: Number of jobs projected to be located in block groups in or adjacent to industrially zoned areas in 2040 (Source: adapted from Plan Bay Area projections).

For more information see Assessing the Impacts of Changes in Industrial Employment on Job Quality and Commuter Patterns report.

Base Layer – Worker home location, jobs < $3,333/mo: Residential location in 2013 of low-wage (earning less than $3,333 per month) workers located in block groups in or adjacent to industrially zoned areas (Source: LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics).

For more information see Assessing the Impacts of Changes in Industrial Employment on Job Quality and Commuter Patterns report.

Base Layer – Worker home location, jobs > $3,333/mo: Residential location in 2013 of middle to high-wage (earning more than $3,333 per month) workers located in block groups in or adjacent to industrially zoned areas (Source: LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics).

For more information see Assessing the Impacts of Changes in Industrial Employment on Job Quality and Commuter Patterns report.

Base Layer – Worker home location: Residential location in 2013 of all workers located in block groups in or adjacent to industrially zoned areas (Source: LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics).

For more information see Assessing the Impacts of Changes in Industrial Employment on Job Quality and Commuter Patterns report.